1st. é c l a t é c l a i r
2nd. visual poetry/οπτική ποίηση
3rd. biography
4th. Electre au quotidien / an every day electra
Hello, W.G.N.
from somewhere far away
a stone thundercloud
is striking like a catapult
by waves
it is shooting constantly
suddenly and all
although standing
although not
not even an Alpha for the Nobody Ulysses
and nobody recognises you
sand in the desert
a beach for you to land on another world
in which you washed up by the sea of words
without given name
without name
Athens, 2016.
Translated from Greek by Charalampos Magoulas.
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m a n
…madman, redman, roadman, patrolman, emptyman, desertman, moonman, lawman, flyman, societyman, groupman, treeman, man,man,man,man,man,man,man, man,man,policeman, taxman, man,man, blueman, heyman, deepman,man,man,man,man, man,man,man,man,morningman, theman,man,man,man,man,man,man, man,man,man,man,man, man,man,man,man,man,man,man, man,man,man,man,man, man,man,man,man,man,man,man, man,man,man,man,man, man,man,man,man,man,man, whiskyman, man,man,man, soulman, woman…
Costis, Athens, meta2000.
g r o u n d
…communground, alphaground, underground, lover’sground, otherground, ofground, poetryground, battleground, bladyground, inground, deepground, personalground, artground, sayground, modernground, skyground, abyssground,walkingground, sculptedground, webground, wordground, correctground, instantground, ain’t a ground, imaginaryground, fertileground, pianoground, realground, skyground, litteraryground, eroticground, waterground, endground, ground, inventedground, ground, flyingground, lifeground, memoryground, theground, nakedground, maniaground, lifeground, mothersground, metaground, noground, speedground, hotground, experimentalground, vocalground, betaground, ground, emptyground, foolishground, touchground, tracerouteground, gameground, classicalground, crossground, sologround, john’sground, strongground, errorground, thesaurusground, dayground, everyground, thedarksideoftheground, secureground, everydayground, favoriteground, stressground, playground, dotcomground, alloverground, yourground…
and the sea.
Costis, Athens, meta2000.
m e t a
…metafail, metatag, metacelebrity, metadate, metaflirt, metahip, metanarrative, metaprose, metasarcasm, metawar, metaball, metabating, metastasis, metabrain, metabolism, metacake, metacarnivore, metachild, metacool, metavortex, metacynic, metadream, metadater, metadigital, metacrisis, metadragon, metaweb, metamorphose,metaground, metafemale, metafiction, metafilter, metagame, metahater, metahead, metahipster, metablank, metaholic,metaphorical, metaparadigm, metahorror, metahuman, metahumor, metaphysics, metaknight, metamarx, metacognitive, metanoia, metatugs, metaphrase, metamatrix, metaman, metapoetic, metame, metaweb, metaglobalisation, metamorphosis, metaendoftheworld, meta…
to be continued
Costis, Athens, meta2000.
poetic virus master game
s o u n d p o e t r y
m e t a
g r o u n d
m a n